Neurostimulation for treatment of brain diseases

tVNS® is a wearable neurostimulation device that modulate key nerve activity, helping to alleviate & manage symptoms of epilepsy, migraine or depression/ anxiety.

Neurostimulation for treatment of brain diseases

Common Neurological Disorders for adopting
tVNS treatment

Common Neurological Disorders for adopting <br> tVNS treatment


Common Neurological Disorders for adopting <br> tVNS treatment


Common Neurological Disorders for adopting <br> tVNS treatment

Depression / Anxiety

Common Neurological Disorders for adopting <br> tVNS treatment

Aging-related Disorders

tVNS is applied as an adjunct treatment for treating sympatho-vagal imbalance in disease conditions. Click here for a list of disease indications.

Innovative Neuromodulation Therapy – How tVNS works

Innovative Neuromodulation Therapy – How tVNS works

tVNS consists of a portable medical device and an ear electrode. Together, these are used to activate small nerve fibres in the ear that stimulates the vagus nerve. Specifically, nerve signals are sent to the brainstem which rebalances neurotransmission, helping alleviate disease symptoms like reducing seizures in epilepsy.

Over 1,500 successful tVNS treatments

“We’ve seen her mood swings improve, with less seizures and falls. The device is really easy to use, and we’ve had great support for getting the best care and results from tVNS treatment.”

- I. Singhe

“I use it at home, on my way to work and even in conferences. It is great that I found something that helps me feel better without surgery and without side effects.”

- K. Seiffert

“The idea of treating migraine without medication appealed to me immediately. And now, a year and a half after the first application, I have a completely new quality of life.”

- M. Dohring

“It’s great to have this device along with my regular medications”

- K. Lau

“Having the device in my own home has really helped”

- T. Lo

“I take my device with me wherever I need to go”

- J. Yiu

“The device has given me extra peace of mind and helped changed my life style”

- B. Hong

“We’ve seen her mood swings improve, with less seizures and falls. The device is really easy to use, and we’ve had great support for getting the best care and results from tVNS treatment.”

- I. Singhe

“I use it at home, on my way to work and even in conferences. It is great that I found something that helps me feel better without surgery and without side effects.”

- K. Seiffert

Why choose tVNS?

Why choose tVNS?

Effective treatment based on peer-reviewed clinical studies



Drug-resistant epilepsy patients show an average of 34% reduction to baseline; An average of 3 less seizures per 28 days

Bauer et al. Brain Stimulation 2016;9(3)356-363

Sustained seizure freedom obtained following tVNS treatment in life-long drug-resistant epilepsy sufferer

Wrede et al. Seizure: European Journal of Epilepsy 2019;70 25-26


Drug-resistant migraine patients show 36% reduction in migraine attacks; Reduced reliance on medication intake

1/3 of Drug-resistant patients benefit from >50% reduction in headache days

Straube et al. J Headache Pain 2015;16:543

Applying tVNS treatment

tVNS medical devices are user controlled for adjustment of stimulation intensity.
Start your treatment with ease, monitor stimulation duration, manually pause/ stop the treatment at your own convenience.
Apply the therapy in your own time throughout the day.

A Quick Guide
How To Use

Applying tVNS treatment
Switch on the tVNS® device and connect the electrode
Apply the conductive gel to the electrode contacts
Place the electrode into the left ear, with contacts comfortably fitted at the stimulation site
Start the stimulation using the tVNS® device, adjusting neurostimulation intensity until lightly felt
Enjoy your normal routine, while receiving your daily dose of tVNS® treatment

tVNS Devices

1. NEMOS® for Epilepsy
2. VITOS® for Pain Management
New generation tVNS Devices with smart-phone connectivity
Keep track of your tVNS treatments

Keep track of your tVNS treatments

The tVNS patient App can be downloaded to your smartphone and it connects directly to the tVNS medical device via low-energy bluetooth.

This allows you to easily monitor your treatments and keep your own patient diary for making notes on your condition with ease.

The tVNS patient App can be downloaded here.
Keep track of your tVNS treatments
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Discover tVNS treatment today.

tVNS therapy helps thousands of patients worldwide for improving quality of life.
and portable
Home-healthcare treatment
Patient autonomy
Adjunct therapy